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Happy International Women's Day! RPL is committed to driving growth, leadership and equality for women in business every day. But today, in particular, we want to shine a light on our female team members for their commitment and success in an industry that, in our view, is still disproportionately represented by men. This years IWD explores #BreakTheBias, which to us means challenging industry norms and our ingrained ideas on gender in the workplace.
Our Assistant Director, Suzy Urch, has worked at RPL for four years. She explains, "Even in my relatively short career, I have witnessed a positive change in the M&A world. When I began, I was almost always the only woman in the room. While this is still often the case, I'm glad to say I come across more incredible women on projects every day. But we deserve more. I want the M&A sector to champion diversity, in all respects, and to see more women in senior roles, leading projects."
Our Associate, Fleur Rampton, is currently remote working after having her daughter last year. She explains that "having my daughter has made me even more committed to succeeding in my career and has shown me that I must always go into a conversation with an open mind. My goal is to teach my daughter that she can do anything in this world."